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In October 2021, California signed Assembly Bill 1346 into law, a bill that aimed to prohibit the sale of new gas-powered, small off-road engines and phase out certain equipment by January 2024.

今天,该法案在加州以及包括华盛顿特区在内的其他地区全面生效.C and Colorado, are also exploring similar restrictions. For public health mosquito operations, this is likely to affect their ULV, backpack, and other equipment used in their daily operations, particularly as this equipment depreciates, experiences mechanical failures, or needs to be replaced.

While alarming at first glance, 这些限制标志着公共卫生蚊虫控制项目有机会使其运作与公众对清洁剂的日益增长的偏好保持一致, more environmentally-friendly options. Today, 我们将讨论国会1346号法案对公共卫生蚊子控制的影响, what this transition may look like, and alternatives to maintain operations.


California’s ban on the sale of new gas-powered, 小型越野发动机-额定功率在25马力或以下的火花点火发动机-影响大多数草坪和花园设备. More relevantly for public health mosquito control, 它也影响了很大一部分背包喷雾器和卡车上安装的ULV设备.

这意味着蚊子控制项目——以及其他小型发动机的用户——不能购买使用上述小型发动机的新设备, 既包括加州境内的,也包括来自其他州或其他来源的.

应当指出的是,目前拥有的设备仍然允许在行动中使用. This ban does not mean the removal of small engines from operational use.


At the forefront of sustainable mosquito control is the ProMist Dura ULV Sprayer.

Designed to flex to the needs of any mosquito control program, Pro-Mist Dura电动超低紫外线喷雾器运行安静,碳足迹较低,同时提供无与伦比的便利性和可配置性. Its precise application ensures targeted results, minimizing waste and maximizing the impact on mosquito populations with precision.

The ProMist Dura ULV Sprayer is the most sustainable, 可靠和用户友好的紫外线机器,可用于专业的蚊虫控制程序. It is an all-electric, 安静和多功能的机器,可以在最恶劣的应用条件下提供.

Switching to Electric ULV Sprayers for Mosquito Control with Confidence

As public preference shifts towards greener, more environmentally-friendly practices, 主动采用电力和无碳的操作实践可以为公共卫生蚊子控制项目提供优势. ProMist Dura电动ULV喷雾器代表了Clarke的承诺,即在不影响性能的情况下提供环境责任选择-这一承诺与我们的绿色化学蚊子产品组合相呼应, including Natular® and Merus®.

Transitioning to electric or more sustainable options for mosquito control equipment isn’t merely a step forward; it’s a leap toward a greener future. For clients who still prefer or require gas-powered equipment, Hga010皇冠软件下载仍然致力于根据他们的喜好提供合适的选择.

Ready to explore the advantages of the ProMist Dura Electric Sprayer? 联系下面的Hga010皇冠软件下载获取更多信息,并了解电动紫外线喷雾器如何支持您的蚊虫控制计划.

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